
rpact version 2.0.2 available on CRAN

Fri Jul 26

The new rpact version contains several minor improvements and some bug fixes; see NEWS on CRAN (The Comprehensive R Archive Network) for details:

rpact version 2.0.0 available on CRAN

Tue May 28

Seven months after publication of the first official release the second official release of the rpact package is available on CRAN (The Comprehensive R Archive Network):

New features

  • Power calculation at given or adapted sample size for means, rates and survival data
  • Sample size and power calculation for survival trials with piecewise accrual time and intensity
  • Sample size and power calculation for survival trials with exponential survival time, piecewise exponential survival time and survival times that follow a Weibull distribution
  • Simulation tool for survival trials; our simulator is very fast because it was implemented with C++. Adaptive event number recalculations based on conditional power can be assessed
  • Simulation tool for designs with continuous and binary endpoints. Adaptive sample size recalculations based on conditional power can be assessed
  • Comprehensive and unified tool for performing sample size calculation for fixed sample size design
  • Enhanced plot functionalities

RPACT activities and planned future work

Fri Apr 5

In the last few months we implemented lots of new rpact package features, e.g.,

  • Power calculation at given or adapted sample size for means, rates and survival data
  • Sample size and power calculation for survival trials with piecewise accrual time and intensity
  • Sample size and power calculation for survival trials with exponential survival time, piecewise exponential survival time and survival times that follow a Weibull distribution
  • Simulation of the sample size for survival trials; our simulator is very fast because it was implemented with C++

In parallel we worked on a Shiny app ( that builds a powerful graphical user interface for the rpact package running in the "Cloud", i.e., the user can execute rpact directly in his favorite browser without installing R and the rpact package localy.

Because the new rpact package version will have so many new features and enhancements we decided to make a version 2.0 (and not a version 1.1). The plan is to start the release of rpact 2.0 on CRAN ( at the beginning of June 2019. Our last experience with CRAN has shown that it may take a few weeks until the new package version is available for everyone.

Expected at end of June 2019 we will held our annual one-day rpact package training meeting for you (remember: it's free-of-charge for up to two participants of your company). We will send you a separate invitation with details soon.

At the moment, we are working on the extension of rpact for handling multiple hypotheses which can be used in multi-armed and population enrichment designs. We expect to have a beta version available at Q3/2019.

rpact version 1.0.0 available on CRAN

Tue Oct 30

We are happy to announce that the first official release of the rpact package is available on CRAN (The Comprehensive R Archive Network):


Presentation for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), March 3, 2022, 9:00am - 11:00am…

Mar -

Online Training Course for PPD, January 13, 2022.

Jan -
