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Open source R package rpact
Our main product is the open source R package rpact, which forms the basis for various other products and services. Our graphical user interface "rpact Shiny app" exists in different versions: as a public cloud-based open access version with limited range of functionality and as private customer specific versions with customer-specific UI-design and range of functionality.

R Package rpact
rpact is a comprehensive validated, open source, free-of-charge R software package for:
- clinical trial planning
- clinical trial design evaluation and simulation
- clinical trial data analysis
Free examples and use-cases: rpact vignettes
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Public rpact Shiny App
The rpact Shiny app is an interactive web application that provides a graphical user interface for the R package rpact.
- Responsive app
- Mobile-first
- Easy to extend
Free use: rpact Shiny app
The basic version of the rpact Shiny app is available free of charge; click on the link above to use it now.
Exclusive rpact Shiny Apps
There is a growing interest in expanding the graphical user interface of rpact. The figure shows the screenshot of a customer-specific extension and redesign of the rpact Shiny app.
- Responsive app
- Mobile-first
- Easy to extend

R Package Validation Infrastructure
At the beginning of the project we worked out a validation plan and a validation documentation template that was reviewed by our customers who signed our Service Level Agreement (SLA, see for more information).
Take a look to the table of contents of the validation documentation. An essential part of the validation are simulations and unit tests which verify that the package works exactly as expected (Performance Qualification). The Installation Qualification on the pharma companies servers can be done easily by calling the rpact function ‘testPackage()’ which executes all available unit tests and provides a test result report (execute ‘?rpact::testPackage’ under R for more information).
For the rpact project we have developed a validation framework and implemented as R package “rpact.validator”. This framework provides the following:
- Semi-automatic creation of unit tests based on templates that results at least in a useful frame for the implementation of specific tests,
- Fully automatic creation of the test plan (LaTeX/PDF) based on the implemented unit tests, incl. tables, action/object descriptions, and expected results,
- Fully automatic creation of the test protocol (LaTeX/PDF) based on the unit test results, incl. tables, summaries, test results, and references to the corresponding test plan items.

R Package Development Tools
Moreover, we implemented some frequently needed functions in a separate R package which we call “”.
To highlight it: the function ‘renderRmdVignettes()’ is very useful because it renders the vignettes which can be found at to 3 different output formats and structures the output in one step, i.e., after each new release of the rpact package we need some minutes where we needed many hours before to rebuild the vignettes.

rpact Cloud Solution
Exemplary illustration of a customer specific implementation of rpact as validated infrastructure on a company server. RPACT offers support in the implementation of graphical user interfaces and interfaces to other systems or databases.
- Development
- Testing & QA
- Deployment