R Package
Clinical Trials
Posit Connect
R Shiny App
A graphical user interface for the rpact R package

A graphical user interface (GUI) for the rpact R package, designed to simplify its use through an intuitive interface.

About RPACT Cloud

RPACT Cloud is a graphical user interface (front end) for the R package rpact based on R Shiny. A shared non-exclusive demo version of RPACT Cloud is available at cloud.rpact.com. Compared to the open-source R package rpact, RPACT Cloud is closed source, requiring a license to run it on a company server.

Advantages of RPACT Cloud

  • Easy Start with rpact Package: RPACT Cloud provides a user-friendly interface that simplifies the use of the rpact package, making it accessible even to those who are not familiar with R.
  • Smooth Transition from Other Proprietary Software Packages: Users can seamlessly switch from other proprietary software packages to RPACT Cloud, benefiting from its comprehensive features and cost-effectiveness.
  • Powerful Report Generator: The integrated report generator in RPACT Cloud offers flexible export options to various formats, including PDF, HTML, Rmd, qmd, and R. This versatility ensures that users can generate and share reports in their preferred format.
  • Easy Comparison of Different Trial Design Scenarios: RPACT Cloud enables users to easily compare various trial design scenarios, helping them to make informed decisions based on detailed analyses and visualizations.

Functional Range of RPACT Cloud

  • Fixed sample design and designs with interim analysis stages
  • Sample size and power calculation for
    • means (continuous endpoint)
    • rates (binary endpoint)
    • survival trials with flexible recruitment and survival time options
  • Simulation tool for means, rates, survival data, and count data
    • Assessment of adaptive sample size/event number recalculations based on conditional power
    • Assessment of treatment selection strategies in multi-arm trials
  • Adaptive designs and analysis for multi-arm trials