
rpact version 3.2.1 available on CRAN

Thu Jan 6

The new rpact version contains several improvements, e.g., simulation tools for enrichment design testing means, rates, and hazard ratios.

The functions

  • getSimulationEnrichmentMeans(),
  • getSimulationEnrichmentRates(),
  • getSimulationEnrichmentSimulation()

are available for simulation of enrichment designs.

For more information see NEWS on CRAN (The Comprehensive R Archive Network) for details:

rpact developer version available for SLA members

Wed Nov 17

The simulation tool for adaptive population enrichment designs for testing means, rates, and hazard ratios is implemented.

It includes the following new functions:

  • getSimulationEnrichmentMeans(),
  • getSimulationEnrichmentRates(), and
  • getSimulationEnrichmentSurvival().

The rpact developer version with these functions (and some more improvements) is released exclusively for our RPACT SLA customers.

If you want to install this rpact developer version, please follow the instructions in the vignette rpact: How to install the latest developer version. The installation qualification can be achieved by using the rpact function testPackage() together with the credentials that you find in the validation documentation rpact_validation_[my-company]_doc_v3-1-1.pdf.

Any comments concerning the rpact package and the relaunched websites are very welcome.

Redesign of the RPACT websites

Wed Nov 10

The relaunch of the RPACT websites has been completed. This is new:

  • The information on the adaptive clinical trial design with R as well as on our services and products is now available in a much clearer and more appealing way
  • The collection of currently 25 practical clinical trial design examples and use-cases, the so-called rpact vignettes, now can be filtered and are searchable
  • The customer-exclusive content is now bundled on a clearly structured page to be found under "My Account" in the main menu of
  • The rpact package website has a vignette-typical clean and simple design and only contains information about the R package rpact

rpact version 3.1.1 available on CRAN

Mon Sep 13

The new rpact version contains several improvements, e.g., performance of two-sided Pampallona & Tsiatis design; see NEWS on CRAN (The Comprehensive R Archive Network) for details:


Presentation for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), March 3, 2022, 9:00am - 11:00am…

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Online Training Course for PPD, January 13, 2022.

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