
Developed for practical use: below you find a collection of practical examples and use-cases, the so-called rpact vignettes.

In addition to these public open access vignettes, our RPACT SLA customers have access to exclusive vignettes on special topics such as the analysis of multi-stage data with covariates from raw data.

# Sort descending Title Category Endpoint Summary
1 Defining Group Sequential Boundaries with rpact Planning Categorical, Continuous, Survival

This R Markdown document provides example code for the the definition of the most commonly used group-sequential boundaries in rpact.

2 Designing Group Sequential Trials with Two Groups and a Continuous Endpoint with rpact Planning Continuous

This R Markdown document provides examples for designing trials with continuous endpoints using rpact.

3 Designing Group Sequential Trials with a Binary Endpoint with rpact Planning Categorical

This R Markdown document provides examples for designing trials with binary endpoints using rpact.

4 Designing Group Sequential Trials with Two Groups and a Survival Endpoint with rpact Planning Survival

This R Markdown document provides examples for designing trials with survival endpoints using rpact.

5 Simulation-Based Design of Group Sequential Trials with a Survival Endpoint with rpact Planning Survival

This R Markdown document describes how to simulate design characterics for survival design under complex settings (incl. non-proportional hazards) in rpact.

Power simulation
6 An Example to Illustrate Boundary Re-Calculations during the Trial with rpact Planning Survival

This R Markdown document provides an example for updating the group sequential boundaries when using an alpha-spending function approach based on observed information rates in rpact. Since version 3.1 of rpact, an additional option in the getAnalysisResults() function provides an easy way to perform an analysis with critical values that are calculated subsequently during the stages of the trial.

7 Analysis of a Group Sequential Trial with a Survival Endpoint using rpact Analysis Survival

This R Markdown document provides examples how to analyse a survival trial and provide inference throughout and at the end of the trial with rpact.

8 Defining Accrual Time and Accrual Intensity with rpact Utilities Survival

This R Markdown document provides a technical view on the different alternatives to define accrual time and accrual intensity with rpact.

9 How to use R Generics with rpact Utilities Categorical, Continuous, Survival

This R Markdown document provides many different examples that illustrate the usage of so-called R generic functions (short: R generics) with rpact, e.g., or summary.

10 How to Create Admirable Plots with rpact Utilities Categorical, Continuous, Survival

This R Markdown document provides many different examples for creating plots with rpact and ggplot2, e.g. the plot argument type will be illustrated.

Sample size, Power simulation, Power


Presentation for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), March 3, 2022, 9:00am - 11:00am…

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Online Training Course for PPD, January 13, 2022.

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“rpact is by far the easiest to use.”
(Professor Daniel Lakens, Human-Technology Interaction Group, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)



“We regularly use rpact for the design of group-sequential and adaptive trials at our company. The package is continuously evolving and includes state-of-the-art methods such as estimation of…



“[…] it is an incredibly accessible and useful tool for sequential analyses. […] I think your rpact package and shiny app might be a bit of a game-changer on this front, as it makes the required…