Gernot Wassmer - List of publications

Methodological Work

Lehmacher, W., Wassmer, G., Reitmeir, P.: Procedures for Two-Sample Comparisons with Multiple Endpoints Controlling the Experimentwise Error Rate. Biometrics, 1991, 47: 511-521.

Wassmer, G.: Niveauprofiltests für zusammengesetzte Hypothesen: Reduktionsprinzipien zur Bestimmung von optimalen Tests mit endlicher Ergebnismenge bei zusammengesetzten Hypothesen. Dissertation, 1993, München.

Wassmer, G.: Testing Equivalence in Clinical Trials Using a New Principle for Constructing Statistical Tests. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 1994, 23: 1413-1427.

Lehmacher, W., Wassmer, G., Reitmeir, P.: Comment on: On the Design and Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials with Multiple Endpoints. Biometrics, 1994, 50: 581-583.

Kieser, M., Reitmeir, P., Wassmer, G.: Test Procedures for Clinical Trials with Multiple Endpoints. In: Vollmar, J. (ed.): Biometrie in der chemisch-pharmazeutischen Industrie, Vol. 6. Fischer Verlag Stuttgart, 1995: 41-60.

Wassmer, G.: Ein exaktes und symmetrisches Verfahren zum Testen des odds ratios in epidemiologischen und klinischen Studien. Medizinische Forschung, Ärztliches Handeln. Proceedings der 40. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie e.V. in Bochum (Trampisch, Lange Hrsg.). München MMV Medizin Verlag, 1995: 127-131.

Kieser, M., Reitmeir, P., Wassmer, G.: Testverfahren für klinische Studien mit multiplen Endpunkten. Medizinische Forschung, Ärztliches Handeln. Proceedings der 40. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie e.V. in Bochum (Trampisch, Lange Hrsg.). München MMV Medizin Verlag, 1995: 237-241.

Knapp, M., Wassmer, G., Baur, M.P.: The Relative Efficiency of the HWE- and CPG-Methods for Candidate-Gene Association Studies. American Journal of Human Genetics, 1995, 57: 1476-1485.

Reitmeir, P., Wassmer, G.: One-Sided Multiple Endpoint Testing in Two-Sample Comparisons. Communications in Statistics - Computation and Simulation, 1996, 25: 99-117.

Kieser, M., Wassmer, G.: On the Use of the Upper Confidence Limit on the Variance from a Pilot Sample for Sample Size Determination. Biometrical Journal , 1996, 38: 941-949.

Knapp, M., Wassmer, G., Seuchter, S.A. , Baur, M.P.: Familienbasierte Assoziationsstudien bei komplexen genetischen Erkrankungen. Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie, GMDS '96. 41. Jahrestagung der GMDS in Bonn, September 1996 (Baur, Fimmers, Blettner Hrsg.). München MMV Medizin Verlag, 1997: 503-506.

Wassmer, G., Lehmacher, W.: On the Determination of One-Sided Confidence Limits in Adaptive Interim Analyses. Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie, GMDS '97. 42. Jahrestagung der GMDS in Ulm, September 1997 (Muche, Büchele, Harder, Gaus Hrsg.). München MMV Medizin Verlag, 1997: 340-344.

Wassmer, G.: A Technical Note on the Power Determination for Fisher’s Combination Test. Biometrical Journal , 1997, 39: 831-838.

Wassmer, G., Rüger, B.: Profile-a Tests. Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, Update 2 (Kotz, Read, Banks eds.) 1998: 549-554.

Wassmer, G.: A Comparison of Two Methods for Adaptive Interim Analyses in Clinical Trials. Biometrics, 1998, 54: 696-705.

Wassmer, G.: Group Sequential Monitoring with Arbitrary Inspection Times. Biometrical Journal, 1999, 41: 197-216.

Wassmer, G.: Multistage Adaptive Test Procedures Based on Fisher's Product Criterion. Biometrical Journal, 1999, 41: 279-293.

Kieser, M., Reitmeir, P., Wassmer, G.: Letter to the Editor: P-Value Adjustment for Correlated Endpoints. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics , 1999, 9: 531-533.

Wassmer, G., Bock, W.: Tables of -Class Boundaries for Group  Sequential Trials. Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie in Medizin und Biologie , 1999, 30: 190-194.

Wassmer, G., Reitmeir, P., Kieser, M., Lehmacher, W.: Procedures for Testing Multiple Endpoints in Clinical Trials. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 1999, 82: 69-81.

Reitmeir, P., Wassmer, G.: Resampling Based Methods for the Analysis of Multiple Endpoints in Clinical Trials. Statistics in Medicine, 1999, 18: 3453-3462.

Wassmer, G.: Statistische Testverfahren für gruppensequentielle und adaptive Pläne in klinischen Studien. Theoretische Konzepte und deren praktische Umsetzung mit SAS. Habilitationsschrift , 1999. Verlag Alexander Mönch, Köln.

Lehmacher, W., Wassmer, G.: Adaptive Sample Size Calculations in Group Sequential Trials. Biometrics, 1999, 55: 1286-1290.

Wassmer, G.: Basic Concepts of Group Sequential and Adaptive Group Sequential Test Procedures. Statistical Papers , 2000, 41: 253-279.

Wassmer, G., Eisebitt, R., Coburger, S.: Flexible Interim Analyses in Clinical Trials Using Multistage Adaptive Test Designs. Drug Information J., 2001, 35: 1131-1146.

Coburger, S., Wassmer, G.: Conditional Point Estimation in Adaptive Group Sequential Test Designs. Biometrical J., 2001, 43: 821-833.

Wassmer, G.: Spezielle Aspekte der Studienplanung und -auswertung. Handbuch der Medizinischen Informatik (Lehmann, Meyer zu Bexten, Hrsg.). München, Hanser Verlag, 2002.

Hothorn, L.A., Wassmer, G.: Analyzing Randomized Dose Finding Studies with a Primary and a Secondary Endpoint. J. Biopharm. Stat. , 2003, 13: 301-305.

Wassmer, G.: Data-Driven Analysis Strategies for Proportion Studies in Adaptive Group Sequential Test Designs. J. Biopharm. Stat. , 2003, 13: 586-603.

Wassmer, G., Eisebitt, R.: Practical Aspects of Adaptive Designs in Pharmaceutical Research. Bulletin of the Intern. Chinese Statistical Association , January 2003: 48-49.

Coburger, S., Wassmer, G.: Sample Size Reassessment in Adaptive Clinical Trials Using a Biased Corrected Estimate. Biometrical J., 2003, 45: 812-825.

Ziegler, A., Dahmen, G., König, I. R., Wassmer, G., Hildebrand, P., Birth, M.: Accelerating Clinical Trials by Flexible Designs. Good Clinical Practice Journal , 2003, 10: 16-19.

Wassmer, G.: Multistage Adaptive Designs for Clinical Trials. Drug Discovery Today , 2004, 9: 514.

Röhmel, J., Wassmer, G.: Minimization of Sample Size When Comparing Two Small Probabilities in a Non-Inferiority Safety Trial. Statistics in Medicine, 2004, 23: 3393-3396.

Wassmer, G.: Planning and Analyzing Adaptive Group Sequential Survival Trials. Biometrical J., 2006, 48: 714-729.

Wassmer, G., Vandemeulebroecke, M. A Brief Review on Software Developments for Group Sequential and Adaptive Designs. Biometrical J., 2006, 48: 732-737.

Wassmer, G.: Discussion of “Executive Summary of the PhRMA Working Group on Adaptive Designs in Clinical Drug Development”. J. Biopharm. Stat. , 2006, 16: 289-291.

Posch, M., Wassmer, G., Brannath, W.: A note on repeated p-values for group sequential designs. Biometrika, 2008, 95: 253-256.

Wassmer, G.: Handbook ADDPLAN Adaptive Designs – Plans and Analyses. Köln, 2002; Release 3, Köln 2005; Release 4, Köln 2007; Release 5 MC, Köln 2009; Release 6 BASE; Release 6 MC; Release 6PE, Great Falls 2011.

Wassmer, G.: Group Sequential Designs. Encyclopedia of Clinical Trials (D'Agostino, Sullivan, Massaro eds.). Wiley, 2009.

Wassmer, G.: Adaptive Interim Analyses in Clinical Trials. Handbook of Adaptive Designs in Pharmaceutical and Clinical Development (Pong, Chow, eds.). CRC Press, 2010.

Brannath, W., Burger, H. U., Glimm, E., Stallard, N., Vandemeulebroecke, M. Wassmer, G.: Comments on the “Draft Guidance on adaptive Design Clinical Trials for Drugs and Biologics” of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. J. Biopharm. Stat. , 2010, 20: 1125-1131.

Wassmer, G.: On Sample Size Calculation in Multi-Armed Confirmatory Adaptive Designs. J. Biopharm. Stat. , 2011, 21:802-817.

Wassmer, G., Dragalin, V.: Designing Issues in Confirmatory Adaptive Population Enrichment Trials J. Biopharm. Stat. , 2015, 25: 651-669.

Bauer, P., Bretz, F., Dragalin, V., König, F., Wassmer, G.: 25 years of confirmatory adaptive designs: opportunities and pitfalls. Statistics in Medicine 2016, 35: 325-347.

Bauer, P., Bretz, F., Dragalin, V., König, F., Wassmer, G.: Authors' Response to Comments by J. Hung, S-J. Wang & J. Lawrence, C. Mehta & L. Liu, J. Vollmar, and W. Maurer Statistics in Medicine 2016, 35: 364-367.

Wassmer, G., Brannath, W.: Group Sequential and Confirmatory Adaptive Designs in Clinical Trials. Springer Science and Business Media, 2016.

Graf, A., Wassmer, G., Friede, T., Gera, R.G., Posch, M. Robustness of testing procedures for confirmatory subpopulaton analyses based on a continuous biomarker: Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 2019, Vol. 28(6) 1879–1892.

Jörgens S, Wassmer G. König F, Posch M. Nested combination tests with a time-to-event endpoint using a short-term endpoint for design adaptations. Pharmaceutical Statistics. 2019 18: 329-350.

Wassmer, G., Posch M., König, F.: Adaptive Designs with Multiple Objectives. Handbook of Statistical Methods for Randomized Controlled Trials (Kim, Cheung, Bretz, Hampson, eds.). CRC press, 2020.

Friede, T., Posch, M., Zohar, S., Alberti, C., Benda, N., Comets, E., Day, S., Miller, F., Dmitrienko, A., Graf, A., Gunhan, B., Hee, S. W., Lentz, F., Madan, J., Pearce, M., Ondra, T., Röver, C.,Toumazi, A., Unkel, S., Ursino, M., Wassmer, G., Stallard, N.: Recent advances in methodology for clinical trials in small populations: the InSPiRe project. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, 2018 13:186.

Clinical Collaboration and Epidemiological Work

Wjst, M., Heinrich, J., Liu, P., Dold, S., Wassmer, G., Merkel, G., Huelsse, C., Wichmann, H.E.: Indoor Factors and IgE Levels in Children. Allergy, 1994, 49: 766-771.

Heinrich, J., Beck E., Wassmer, G., Wichmann, H.E.: Die Häufigkeit von Asthma, Atemwegssymptomen und von allergischer Rhinitis in einer ostdeutschen Großstadt. Allergologie, 1995, 18: 539-546.

Nowak, D., Heinrich, J, Jörres, R., Wassmer, G., Berger, J., Beck, E., Boczor, S., Claussen, M., Wichmann, H.E., Magnussen, H.: Prevalence of Respiratory Symptoms, Lung Function, and Atopy among Adults: West and East Germany. European Respiratory Journal, 1996, 9: 2541-2552.

Wassmer, G., Jörres, R., Heinrich, J., Wjst, M., Reitmeir, P., Wichmann, H.E.: The Association between Baseline Airway Calibre and Bronchial Responsiveness to Methacholine. European Journal of Medical Research, 1997, 2: 47-54.

Wjst, M., Wassmer, G., Seuchter, S., and the ECRHS group: Genes for Asthma? An Analysis of the EC Respiratory Health Survey. Amer. Rev. Resp. Crit. Care Med., 1997, 156: 1773-1780.

Heinrich, J, Nowak, D., Wassmer, G., Jörres, R., Wjst, M., Berger, J., Magnussen, H., Wichmann, H.E.: Age - Dependent Differences in the Prevalence of Allergic Rhinitis and Atopic Sensitization between Two Cities in Eastern and Western Germany. Allergy, 1998, 53: 89-93.

Braun, M., Klotz, T., Reifenrath, B., Wassmer, G., Schwarzer, U., Engelmann, U.: KEED - erster deutschsprachig validierter Fragebogen zur Erfassung der männlichen sexuellen Funktion. Aktuelle Urologie, 1998, 29: 300-305.

Zähringer, M., Krug, B., Dölken, W., Jung, G., Wassmer, G., Lackner, K.: Digitale Selenradiographie: Vergleich der Bildqualität von Thoraxaufnahmen in normalem und verkleinertem Bildformat anhand anatomischer, diagnoserelevanter Strukturen. Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Röntgenstrahlen und der neuen bildgebenden Verfahren , 1998, 169: 33-37.

Schäfer, H., Hübel, K., Bohlen, H., Mansmann, G., Hegener, K., Richarz, B., Oberhäuser, F., Wassmer, G., Hölscher, A.H.,, Pichlmaier, H., Diehl, V., Engert, A.: Perioperative Treatment with Filgrastim Stimulates Granulocyte Function and Reduces Infectious Complications after Esophagectomy. Annals of Hematology, 2000, 79: 143-151.

Schönau, E., Neu, C.M., Mokov, E., Wassmer, G., Manz, F.: Influence of Puberty on Muscle Area and Cortical Bone Area of the Forearm in Boys and Girls. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2000 , 85: 1095-1098.

Braun, M., Klotz, T., Reifenrath, B., Mathers, M., Wassmer, G., Schoenenberger, A., Engelmann, U.: Die Prävalenz von männlichen Erektionsstörungen in Deutschland heute und in der Zukunft. Aktuelle Urologie, 2000, 31: 302-307.

Braun, M., Wassmer, G., Klotz, T., Reifenrath, B., Bürger, R., Mathers, M., Engelmann, U. Epidemiology of Erectile Dysfunction: Results of the "Cologne 8000 Men Survey". Int. J. of Impotence Research, 2000, 12: 305-311.

Schönau, E., Westermann, F., Rauch, F., Stabrey, A., Wassmer, G., Keller, E., Brämswig, J., Blum, W.: A New and Accurate Prediction Model for Growth Response to Growth Hormone Treatment in Children with Growth Hormone Deficiency. European Journal of Endocrinology, 2001, 144: 13-20.

Zähringer, M., Wassmer, G., Krug, B., Winnekendonk, G., Gossmann, A., Lackner, K.J.: Image Quality of Digital Chest X-Rays: Wet Versus Dry Laser Imagers. J. of Digital Imaging, 2001, 14: 158-162.

Zähringer, M., Krug, B. Kamm, K.-F., Wassmer, G., Hellmich, M., Winnekendonk, G., Andermahr, J., Gossmann, A:, Lackner, K. J.: Detection of Porcine Bone Lesions and Fissures: Comparing Digital Selenium-, Digital Luminescence- and Analog Screen-Film-Radiography. American J. of Roentgenology, 2001, 177: 1397-1403.

Diet, F., Graf, C., Mahnke, N., Wassmer, G., Predel, H. G., Palmer-Homann, I., Rost, R., Böhm, M.: ACE and Angiotensinogen Gene Genotypes and Left Ventricular Mass in Athletes. European J. of Clinical Investigation, 2001, 31: 836-842.

Hagemeister, J., Schneider, C.A., Barabas, S., Schadt, R., Wassmer, G., Mager, G., Pfaff, H., Höpp, H.W.: Hypertension Guidelines and Their Limitations -The Impact of Physicians’ Compliance. J. Hypertension, 2001, 19: 2079-86.

Kasper, S.M., Weimbs, G., Sabatowski, R., Wassmer, G.: A Randomized Crossover Trial of Intravenous Fluid Replacement versus No Fluid Replacement in Autologous Blood Donors with Cardiovascular Disease. Transfusion, 2002, 42: 226-231.

Rauch, F., Neu, C.M., Wassmer, G., Beck, B., Rieger-Wettengl, G., Rietschel, E., Manz, F., Schönau, E.: Muscle Analysis by Measurement of Maximal Isometric Force: New Reference Data and Clinical Applications in Pediatrics. Pediatric Research, 2002, 51: 505-510.

Stening, W., Nitsch, P., Wassmer, G., Roth, B.: Cardiorespiratory Stability of Premature and Term Infants Carried in Babyslings. Pediatrics , 2002, 110: 879-883.

Sommer, F., Schwarzer, U. Wassmer, G., Bloch, W., Braun, M., Klotz, T., Engelmann, U.: Epidemiology of Peyronie’s disease. Int. J. of Impotence Research, 2002, 14: 379-383.

Schöndorf, T., Eisberg, C., Wassmer, G., Warm, M., Becker, M., Rein, D.T., Göhring, U.-J.: Association of the Vitamin D Receptor Genotype with Bone Metastases in Breast Cancer Patients. Oncology , 2003, 64: 154-159.

Schneider, T.I., Höpp, H.W., Vlaho, D., Wassmer, G., Füssl, R., Fassbender, S., Wehr, G., Konz, K.H., Späh, F. , Baer, F.M.: Randomized Comparison of Mounted vs Unmounted Stents. The Multicenter -COMUS Trial. Am. Heart J., 2003, 145(2):e4, K1-K6.

Gawenda, M., Jaschke, G., Winter, S., Wassmer, G., Brunkwall, J.: Endotension as a Result of Pressure Transmission Through the Graft Following Endovascular Aneurysm Repair – an In Vitro Study. Eur. J. Vasc. Endovasc. Surg., 2003, 26: 501-505.

Glossmann, J.P., Engert, A., Wassmer, G., Flechtner, H., Ko, Y., Rudolph, C., Metzner, B, Dorken, B., Wiedenmann, S., Diehl, V., Josting A.: Recombinant Human Erythropoietin, Epoetin Beta, in Patients with Relapsed Lymphoma Treated with Aggressive Sequential Salvage Chemotherapy - Results of a Randomized Trial. Ann Hematol., 2003, 82:469-75.

Gawenda, M, Winter, S., Jaschke, G., Wassmer, G., Brunkwall, J.: Endotension is Influenced by the Aneurysms Volume – Experimental Findings. J. Endovasc. Ther. , 2003, 10: 1091-1096.

Bereznoy, V.V., Riley, D.S., Wassmer, G., Heger, M.: Efficacy of Extract of Pelargonium Sidoides in Children with Acute Non-Group A Beta-Hemolytic Streptococcus Tonsillopharyngitis. A Randomised, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine , 2003, 9/5: 68-79.

Gawenda, M, Knez, P., Winter, S., Jaschke, G., Wassmer, G., Schmitz-Rixen, T., Brunkwall, J.: Endotension is Influenced by Wall Compliance in a Latex Aneurysm Model. Eur. J. Vasc. Endovasc. Surg., 2004, 27: 45-50.

Schäfer, H., Engert, A.,Grass, G., Mansmann, G., Wassmer, G., Löhlein, H., Ulrich, B., Lippert, H., Knöfel, W., Engert, A., Hölscher, A.H.: Perioperative G-CSF Anti-Infective Prophylaxis in Patients Undergoing Esophagectomy for Esophageal Cancer. Annals of Surgery , 2004, 240: 68-75.

Gawenda, M., Gossmann, A., Krüger, K., Zähringer, M., Hahn, M., Wassmer, G., Brunkwall, J.: Comparison of magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography of 8 aortic stent-graft models J. Endovasc. Ther., 2004, 11: 627-634.

Wolters U., Mannheim, S., Wassmer, G., Brunckwall, J.: What is the Value of the Available Riskscores to Predict Postoperative Complications after Aorto Iliac Surgery? A Prospective Non Randomized Study. J. Cardiovasc. Surg. , 2006, 47: 177-186.

Schewe, K.C., Maserati,R.; Adam, A., Wassmer, G., Weitner, L.: Improved Lipid Profiles and Maintenance of Virologic Control in Heavily Pre-Treated Patients Switching From Stavudine to Tenofovir. Clinical Infectious Diseases , 2006, 42: 145-147.

Vehreschild, J., Böhme, A., Buchheidt, D., Arenz, D., Harnischmacher, U., Heussel, C.P., Ullmann, A.J., Mousset, S., Hummel, M., Frommolt, P., Wassmer, G., Drzisga, I., Cornely, A.O.: A double-blind trial on prophylactic voriconazole (VRC) or placebo during induction chemotherapy for acute myelogenous leukaemia (AML). Journal of Infection, 2007, 55: 445-449.

Gawenda, M., Möller, A., Wassmer, G., Brunkwall, J.: Prophylaxis of Contrast-Induced Nephropathy with N-Acetylcysteine. Zentralblatt für Chirurgie 2007, 132: 227-231.

Hagemeister, J., Schneider, C.A., Diedrichs, H., Mebus, D., Pfaff, H., Wassmer, G., Höpp, H.W.: Inefficacy of different strategies to improve guideline awareness – 5-year follow-up of the hypertension evaluation project (HEP) Trials 2008, 9: 39.

Liakopoulos, O.J. , Choi, Y.-H., Haldenwang, P.L. Strauch, J., Wittwer, T., Wassmer, G., Wahlers, T.: Impact of preoperative statin therapy on adverse postoperative outcomes in patients undergoing cardiac surgery: a meta-analysis of over 30.000 patients. European Heart Journal , 2008, 29: 1548-1559.

Liakopoulos, O.J., Wassmer, G., Wahlers, T.: Impact of preoperative statin therapy on adverse postoperative outcomes in patients undergoing cardiac surgery: a meta-analysis of over 30000 patients: reply. European Heart Journal, 2008, 29: 2443-2444.

Liakopoulos, O.J., Wassmer, G., Wahlers, T.: Still without impact on adverse post-operative outcomes: pre-operative statin therapy in patients undergoing cardiac surgery: reply. European Heart Journal, 2008, 29: 2444-2445.

Laudes, M., Oberhauser, F., Bilkovski, R., Schubert, M., Droste, A., Wassmer, G., Roth, B., Krone, W.: Human fetal Adiponectin and Retinol-binding protein (RBP)-4 levels in relation to maternal obesity and birth weight? Experimental and clinical Endocrinology and Diabetes , 2009, 117: 146-149.

Liakopoulos, O.J. , Choi, Y.-H., Kuhn, E.W., Wittwer, T., Borys, M., Madershahian, N., Wassmer, G., Wahlers, T.: Statins for prevention of atrial fibrillation after cardiac surgery: A systematic literature review. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery , 2009: 678-686.

Sagheri, D., Wassmer, G., Hahn, P., McLoughlin, J.: Dental caries experience of schoolchildren of two different oral health care delivery systems. Int. Dental Journal , 2009, 59(3): 161-167

Korn, H. , Ohlow, M.A., Yu, J., Huegl , B., Schulte, W., Wagner, A., Haberl, K, Wassmer, G., Lauer, B.:Interventional Therapy Of Bifurcation Lesions: Main Branch Stenting Plus Mandatory Side Branch – PCI vs. Main Branch Stenting With Provisional Side Branch – PCI Using PES: A Randomized Clinical Study (Thueringer Bifurcation Study, THUEBIS-Study) . Circulation. Cardiovascular interventions, 2010, 2(6): 535-542.

Reinhardt, C.H., Noack, M.J., Wassmer, G., Hurrelmann, K., Klein, K.: A strategy for encouraging young adults‘ adoption of a preferred oral hygiene technique. Oral Health & Preventive Dentistry 2010 8: 3-8.

Liakopoulos O. J., Kuhn E. W., Choi Y.-H., Chang W., Wittwer T., Madershahian N., Wassmer G., Wahlers T.: Myocardial protection in cardiac surgery patients requiring prolonged aortic cross-clamp times: a single-center evaluation of clinical outcomes comparing two blood cardioplegic strategies. The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2010; 51(6):895-905.

Rüping, M.J.G.T., Müller, C., Vehreschild, J.J., Böhme, A., Mousset, S., Harnischmacher, U., Frommolt, P., Wassmer, G., Drzisga, I., Hallek, M., Cornely, O.A. Voriconazole serum concentrations in prophylactically treated acute myelogenous leukaemia patients. Mycoses 2011; 54(3): 230-233.

Reinhardt, C., Noack, M., Wassmer, G., Dumit, J., Rolfs, A., Klein, K. Comparison of three forms of teaching - a prospective randomized pilot trial for the enhancement of adherence. Int J Dent Hyg 2012

Vehreschild, J. J., Moritz, G., Vehreschild, M. J. G. T., Arenz, D., Mahne, M., Bredenfeld, H., Chemnitz, J., Klein, F., Cremer, B., Böll, B., Kaul, I., Wassmer, G., Hallek, M., Scheid, C., Cornely, O. A. Efficacy and safety of moxifloxacin as antibacterial prophylaxis for patients receiving autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantation: a randomised trial. Int J Antimicrob Agents 2012, 39, 130-134

Liakopoulos, O. J., Kuhn, E. W., Slottosch, I., Wassmer, G., Wahlers, T. Preoperative statin therapy for patients undergoing cardiac surgery. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2012.

Hünseler C, Balling G, Röhlig C, Blickheuser R, Trieschmann U, Lieser U, Dohna-Schwake C, Gebauer C, Möller O, Hering F, Hoehn T, Schubert S, Hentschel R, Huth RG, Müller A, Müller C, Wassmer G. Hahn M, Harnischmacher U, Behr J, Roth B; for the Clonidine Study Group. Continuous Infusion of Clonidine in Ventilated Newborns and Infants: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2014; 15(6) p 511–522.


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